I had been using crystals with my Reiki, but I wanted to know more about how these beautiful little gems work.
So, in 2019 while searching youtube, I came across some very interesting videos, presented by Kate Mantello. I resonated with the energy she projected, so took the plunge and studied a few of her courses and became a Crystal Healing Practitioner, learning how the energies of the crystals can help in different layouts and how to work with their energy.
Then, what followed, became a very intense time personally and for my family, loosing two very special family members in very quick succession.
This trauma had a profound effect on my own energy. I had to seek help with my own healing to balance me and help me to deal with the grief.
Grief is not something that can be magically taken away, it is a process to be worked through, at your own pace.
But, by using the different therapies available to me, including wonderful sound baths, crystal gridding, yoga & meditation and of course my Reiki, I was able to start working through this difficult time.
By using all of this help and giving myself time to heal, I was ready to move to the next level of my crystal learning and after 18 months of study and personal growth I acquired my certificate as a Transpersonal Crystal Healing Practitioner.